Master Junior Report on Nuragic Civilization

Master Junior Report on Nuragic Civilization

MASTER JUNIOR ON NURAGIC CIVILIZATIONAddressed to students of higher secondary schools.




There is no awareness without knowledge. If one intends to take advantage of the immense opportunity for development, both in terms of cultural growth and economic impact, that arises from enhancing the ancient Nuragic civilization of Sardinia, there is no doubt that knowledge and awareness of the content and perspectives must grow.

This is the belief that underlies the initiative aimed at high schools in Sardinia, and open to schools in the other regions, aimed at spreading and deepening the knowledge of the themes of Nuragic and pre-Nuragic civilization and their application in new development projects for Sardinia.

With the establishment of a master’s program called “Junior Master on Nuragic Civilization,” the aim is to convey basic knowledge elements in the disciplines related to the development, in the first millennia B.C. in Sardinia, of the so-called “Nuragic and pre-Nuragic civilization,” such as history and prehistory, architecture, archaeology, economics, and marketing. Basic knowledge for individual cultural enrichment and as a foundation for further choices.

The Master’s program, which arises from an idea of the “Sardinia towards UNESCO” Association and sees among its promoters the same Association, the regional school direction, the regional department of public education, cultural heritage, information, entertainment and sports, the Sardinia Foundation, and the Banco di Sardegna, thus aims for the ambitious goal of synthesizing the historical, archaeological, architectural, anthropological, and sociological aspects that constitute the deep identity of Sardinia’s millennial culture, integrating them with evaluations and in-depth studies in the fields of economics, communication, and marketing that may allow for the knowledge and use of these formidable assets within the context of a new project for sustainable economic development, coherent with both the deepest vocations of Sardinia and the goals of the 2030 Agenda.

Through the rediscovery and enhancement of the ancient cultural identity of Sardinia and the enormous complex of monuments that represent it, Sardinia can indeed find new spaces for the affirmation of its uniqueness in new global contexts, building a specific narrative that becomes a driving force in development, facilitating the qualitative leap that allows it to recover established gaps of backwardness and restoring the necessary attractiveness to the Island to also combat the trend of youth emigration and depopulation.

The initiative therefore represents an important action to involve young people in a path of cultural growth and, in the long term, professional development, which has been deemed appropriate to activate alongside the procedure for the recognition by UNESCO of the monuments of Nuragic civilization as a World Heritage and the related cultural and economic projects that the Region and the Ministry of Culture can implement.

Junior Master Content

The Master’s program is envisioned as a multi-year activity aimed at students from high schools in Sardinia and, upon specific agreement from the relevant regional school offices, students from the other Italian regions within the operational limits of the Association.

The activities of the first year (academic year 2021-2022, of the three-year period 2021-2024) will be organized and carried out by the Association “Sardinia towards Unesco,” with the support of other promoting entities and will be structured in 15 hours through synchronous online or in-person lessons, in addition to site visits when conducted, covering both the classical themes related to the historical, archaeological, anthropological, and architectural reading of Nuragic civilization, as well as those related to disciplines connected to a new possible model of sustainable economic development, in line with the goals of the 2030 Agenda.

The Master’s lessons will be held by teachers from its Scientific Committee or by experts with adequate qualifications and will involve the first year, for schools in the Sardinia Region, about 120 students coming from the last classes of high schools in the 4 areas in which the regional school district is divided.

The selection of students will be voluntary, and the lessons will be held outside of school hours partly remotely, or in locations provided by the school administrations, and partly “on the field” at the nuragic sites.

At the end of the master’s program, students will receive a certificate of participation from the Association, and the most deserving will receive recognition as “Experts of the Ancient Sardinian Civilization,” as well as a gift of specialized texts related to the subject of the Master.

For the detailed aspects of the contents of the “Operational Program” of the junior Master’s, please refer to the attached document.